Starting off the SQL modules was challenging due to being swampped on both sides. I did SQL lite about a year ago for Android App Development Course at my college Medgar Evers, I totally forgot how much reading is entailed in it to fully understand the concepts and structures. I struggled a bit to implement SQL with Object-Oriented, but it was another challenge in “Climbing these Mountains of Codes”. As I progressed through SQL and getting to the Active Records modules, it became a bit more easier as creating the tables, adding new columns and even the data for the database was not so hard anymore. Methods like:
def change
was introduced to make changes easier for database creation and modification:
def change
create_table :"{table name}" do |var|
var.string :name
As I progress through getting closer to our second project for the year Sinatra, hopefully I will be ready to take on the new challenge of another project. I had my first meet with the Cohart Coach Katie, she is very pleasant and easy to talk, just like a counslor or that friend that you can talk about anything…. well not everything really but someone that is willing to listen and even still try to go the extra mile to help in anyway possible. When I fell behind and I thought as though I was losing a grip on everything my pair-partner Peter reassured me and motivated me in just a few words so that I could push through the labs, modules to be up to par with him even though he is still ahead.
One of the things that held me back as well was the factor that I am Windows based and with the editor Atom installed, there was a conflict with the learn IDE, but thanks to a close friend of mine I got a solution. I was able to upgrade my Windows edition in order to enable Hyper-v, with it I was able to have a sub-Windows system fully dedicated to running learn and able to complete my labs.
I am still fighting to stay on track, but its not when “Climbing these Mountains of Codes”.